L’Shana Tova Greeting
Order by Friday, Aug. 2
Order by Friday, Aug. 2
If you are like most of us here in the office
at Micah, you are in a whirlwind of summer activities. School and High Holy Days are a far off thought.... However, High Holy Days are coming early this year!! They will begin at the end of August!
This year we are once again offering the opportunity for
you to send Rosh Hashana greetings in the Messenger. Last year it was a hit (you can see the examples here)!
Think of this greeting space as you would the
ads you purchased in the back of your yearbook!
Cost / Size Options
Option 1
1) Business Card Size: $36
Design + Choose one of the four “any size” greeting
1) Business Card Size: $36
Design + Choose one of the four “any size” greeting
Option 2 & 3
2) Quarter page: $72
3) Half page : $144
1 image + choose any one of the greetings
2) Quarter page: $72
3) Half page : $144
1 image + choose any one of the greetings
*Pick your size/cost option and then choose one greeting*
Greeting Choices
Options 1 - 3
1) L’Shana Tova Tikatevu
2) Wishing You a Sweet New Year
3) Have a Happy New Year
4) Happy Rosh Hashanah
5) Happy New Year from the [insert name] Family
Options 2 & 3 Only
(for quarter or half pages)
(for quarter or half pages)
1. May the sounds of the Shofar welcome in a new year of health and
2. Best wishes to you and your family at Rosh Hashanah
All greetings can include either your family’s last name or each name of
your family (up to 10 names total)
For Businesses:
Choose a size: business card, quarter page, or half page
Choose a greeting: 5 options available for the business card size; and 7
options available or the quarter and half page sizes
Your greeting can be “from” your business and you can include the web
Ready to order your ad?? Call us at the office at 615-377-9799 or email office@congregationmicah.org. Don’t forget to have your credit card handy or mail a check (your payment = your greeting).