Monday, June 30, 2014

Family Trip in Israel Winding Down: Day 5 - 8

Israel Day 5
Friday, June 27

The adults visited the LaDa'at Kinneret Cemetery and entered the world of the early Zionist pioneers. Legendary personalities rest here, such as Rachel the Poetess, Zionist philosopher Ber Borochov and songwriter Naomi Shemer.

The kids enjoyed the culinary delight of a Chocolate Workshop at the Galita Factory on Kibbutz Degania Bet.

Everyone then headed on a drive south, along the Jordan Valley, and west through the Judean Desert. Upon entering Jerusalem, they stopped at Mount Scopus to say the traditional shehechiyanu blessing. The day ended with Kabbalat Shabbat services at the Kotel.

Israel Day 6
Saturday, June 28

Morning: Rabbi Laurie and others headed to the Wall to attend a Women of the Wall service.Everyone enjoyed a free Shabbat in Jerusalem; from attending services to touring around. Many headed over to the Old City Ramparts for a walk along the ancient walls of the city!

Israel Day 7
Sunday, June 29

The group of families walked through the Western Wall Tunnel, the underground continuation of the Western Wall alongside the Temple Mount. One last Kotel visit to experience the special atmosphere of this holy site, before visiting the Jerusalem Archaeological Park, including a visit to the Davidson Center and the Southern Wall Excavations.

Just before lunch they took a walking tour through the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, for a guided tour of excavations sites from the past 30 years, including: walk along the rooftops of the Old City, The Cardo, a Byzantine street that is now the world's oldest shopping arcade, and the Hurva Square, the central square of the Jewish Quarter.

In the afternoon, the group was led on a guided visit through the City of David's new excavations which have redefined the origins of Jerusalem; and wade through the 2,600-year-old Hezekiah's Water Tunnel in the Kidron Valley.

Our adults joined the Israeli Society  in the evening for a dialogue with scholar Dr. Paul Liptz of the Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew Union College, who visited Micah this past December. During this time, the kids experienced the Jerusalem Time Elevator - a state-of-the-art motion simulator showing 3,000 years of history.

Israel Day 8
Monday, June 30

Dead Sea Basin!
The group rode through the Judean desert on camels in Biblical-style at Genesis Land. They passed by Qumran, the area where the Dead Sea Sect established a community, and the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. This led them to an ascent to Masada, Herod's mountain palace and site of the Jewish Zealots' last stand against the Roman Legionnaires.

  Photos: camel rides, rabbis on Masada, Rabbi Flip and Ede taking in Masada.

The afternoon came to a close with a bath in the relaxing and healthy sulfur springs at the Mineral Beach and a float in the Dead Sea!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 3 and 4 for our families in Israel

Israel Day 3
Wednesday, June 25

The group took a guided visit to Caesarea, one of the Land of Israel's most important cities during the Roman Period; they visited the Herodian Theater and new excavations along the Mediterranean shore concluding with a visit to the 900-year-old Crusader city built on the same site.
The adults also took a guided visit to Zichron Ya'acov, one of the first communities established by the early Zionist pioneers, which included a walk along the colorful Pedestrian Mall and a wine tasting at the famous Carmel Winery.
The kids walked through the 2,000-year-old underground water tunnels at Park Alona, which once brought water to Caesarea.

In the afternoon, all of the families wound their way through the alley ways of Tsfat, uncovering the hidden words, secret codes, and mystical messages on a family scavenger hunt through the Old City of the ancient Kabbalists.

Four top photos and above left: Learning about Caesarea; Above right: learning about
Tsfat as a group.

Israel Day 4
Thursday, June 26

This morning, the families took an off-road Jeep tour up the Golan Heights in the footsteps of Israeli soldiers and their battles in the Six-Day War. They were able to gain an insight into the strategic complexity of the Golan.

Photos were taken in a bunker previously in Syria, now within Israel on Golan Heights

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Family Trip: Day 2 in Israel

Israel Day 2
On the Agenda:
This morning, the adults walked through the museum at the new Rabin Center, dedicated to the history of society and democracy in Israel, while the kids visited the Tachana, Tel Aviv's newly renovated old train station.

After lunch, the group visited the Nachalat Binyamin pedestrian mall, alongside the colorful Carmel open-air market and across the way from Sheinkin St., with hip cafés and funky chic shopping. They also visited the Old City of Jaffa and stroll through the renovated artists' colony and the old port, including a walk through the famous Jaffa Flea Market - “Shuk Hapishpishim”.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Family Trip to Israel: Day One!

Family Trip to Israel
June 22 - July 2

Our Families have arrived in Israel! They are safely in Tel Aviv and already enjoying their journey. See our first glimpse of their trip below and stay tuned for more updates.

Julie Greenberg and daughter, Lily, at the airport!

Rachel K., Louisa G., Sydney S., and Eden R. at the Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv