Friday, March 27, 2015

Feed the Hungry through Heifer International

It All Starts With A Heifer
Phoebe Stern, Andrew Kiepek, and Ryan Krichbaum

Imagine a gift that not only feeds the hungry, but also empowers families to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity. Welcome to Heifer International.

Rooted in the “teach a man to fish” philosophy, Heifer International not only provides families and villages with cows, chickens, and other food-providing animals, they also link communities and educate the members so they are able to generate both food and a reliable income through agricultural products such as milk, eggs and honey. This well respected not-for-profit charity feeds, educates and empowers.

This year, our 7th Grade “It All Starts With A Heifer” team is helping. A heifer is a life changing gift, so that’s our goal. We are asking that you contribute as we work to collect $500.00 and make that gift come true! Please look for our It All Starts With A Heifer bake sales at Micah in the coming months. Our collection box will also be conveniently on display – every donation helps us get closer to our goal!

We hope you will not only check in with our team at Micah, but also visit the Heifer International website which we promise will inspire you! Thank you for your support! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Music at Micah Fundraiser - Twelve Against Nature

Music from Steely Dan & Chicago at Congregation Micah
7 p.m. on Saturday, April 11
  • Local cover band, Twelve Against Nature
  • Open Bar
  • Heavy Hors D’oeuvres!
  • Silent / Live Auction

Ticket Options:

Individual: $50

$5000   Saturday in the Park
$1000   Rikki Don't Lose that Number
$500     25 or 6 to 4
$250     Hey Nineteen

Full Table (8 tickets): $750

LLS Saving Lives Campaign

LLS Saving Lives!
by: Alana Rothenstein, Lily Hershkowitz, Evan Guzman, 
Hailey Mittelberg, Isabella Reish, Amanda Curtis, and Julia Weinstein

Raising money to save lives …introducing the Mighty Micah 7th grade LLS Saving Lives campaign!

We are raising money for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, or LLS. The mission of LLS is to: “…Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.”

Leukemia, Lymphoma and the related diseases effect bone marrow blood and lympnodes suppressing the production of normal blood cells leading to anemia, immune deficiencies, and bleeding. From the help of research many people have survived from both leukemia and lymphoma. 

Of particular importance, LLS provides financial assistance to families and people with leukemia or lymphoma who can’t pay their bills. LLS helps the families when they need it most.

Over 1,000,000 Americans are living with Leukemia and related diseases. That’s the challenge we face. The good news is that YOU can help!! Visit to learn about:
  • Ways to donate financially
  • How to participate with Team In Training
  • Signing up to volunteer or walk at the 2015 Light the Night Walk
  • Becoming an ADVOCATE for the LLS

Our Talmud teaches us: If the community is in trouble, a person must not say, “I will go home, and eat and drink, and my soul will be at peace.” A person must share in the concerns of the community as Moses did.  Those who share in the community’s troubles are worthy to see its consolation. (Talmud, Ta’anit)

Your support of the LLS, whether it comes in the form of dollars or time, is an amazing way to make a difference, show your concern and help to relieve the troubles of others. Together, we will make a difference. Please help our Micah 7th grade team save lives!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Israel Dies Without You

Israel Dies Without You
By: Zach Ainbinder-Barkley

If you love Israel, if you want to see Israel continue to flourish and stand as a homeland for all Jews and as a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, a refuge for people of varying faiths and cultures, then you should support the FIDF (Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces).

The FIDF provides and supports social, educational, cultural, and recreational programs and facilities for the young men and women soldiers of Israel who defend the Jewish homeland. It also offers these services for the families of Israel's fallen soldiers. FIDF provides support for soldiers of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) along with the soldier's family. The non-profit also helps Israeli veterans adapt to civilian life. 

The FIDF runs many different kinds of programs. For example, the IMPACT! Program grants full four-year scholarships to students with disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds and to pay back to the community. Another example is the LEGACY program. The program follows the biblical tradition to help widows, orphans, and other family members who have suffered losing a loved one.

You can best support Israel and the FIDF with your donation. There is no gift too small.  Israel needs your support. The time is now. Watch for the Mighty Micah 7th Grade FIDF team flyers and collection box.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Helping Others Should Be One Stop in Our Life's Journey

Don't Let Them Fall
By Rosie Diamond

Do you ever wonder, what is our purpose in this world, in life? We all know how we got here, but now what are we supposed to do? Well, I can’t answer that for you but I know one thing – helping others should definitely be one stop in our journey.

Just think, there are a million different people in this world that we don't know. We don't know what kind of trouble they're in, what they're like, ESPECIALLY, who they are!

Bridges DVC
is one of many helping organizations but one that's important! It’s a place where it doesn't matter if you know the person personally or not but to be helping anyway, that's the mitzvah!

I have a personal connection to their service! But if you were to put yourselves in these people’s shoes you can’t even imagine how horrible or overwhelming it is. To feel alone, insecure, scared, and to be on the run, ALL THE TIME.  But what if it WAS you, wouldn't you want people to help you?

Bridges DVC
does just that...FREE OF CHARGE. They provide shelter, a 24-hour crisis hotline, an outreach support group, and help to create a new and better life for people who have been physically, mentality, or sexually abused.

Don't you want to be a part of that? To know that all those people, all those men, women, and children that are waiting for a chance to start over - you may be giving them that chance!

Tzedakah means giving charity – but it also means justice. We right the wrongs in the world with tikkun olam – repairing the world. When we give charity and help these victims of horrible abuse, we can give back what’s been stolen from them. Our kindness can help them get their self-esteem and dignity back. We have the power to help them make their lives whole again.

If you want to help...You can volunteer your time, donate items on their list, or give financial support to the fund.

To find out more about Bridges Domestic Violence Center visit: