Friday, August 31, 2012

Yahrzeit Plaque Orders Due Sept. 5

This beautiful Memorial Tablet hangs on the Memorial Wall located in the foyer, and is designed so that on the Sabbath commemorating each individual yahrzeit (anniversary), the nameplate is moved to the center of the tablet in a lighted area.

The cost of each nameplate is $300. You may order an engraved name plate by completing the form and mailing it to:
Congregation Micah
Attn: Annie Cochran
2001 Old Hickory Blvd.
Brentwood, TN 37027

Please send in an order form and enclose a check payable to Congregation Micah (memo line: plaque) with your order by Wednesday, September 5, 2012.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Book of Remembrance - Order by Wednesday, Sept. 12

Micah Memorials 5773

A Book of Remembrance
"I will donate charity of their sake."

In the Jewish tradition, it is customary to remember our deceased family and friends by the simple act of declaring their names. We say their names publicly on the anniversary of their deaths (yahrzeit) and at memorial services (yizkor)

These High Holy Days, we are offering everyone the opportunity to memorialize loved ones in our Micah Memorials: Book of Remembrance by making a contribution (tzedakah) to Congregation Micah's Memorial Fund. The book will be distributed at the yizkor services on Yom Kippur afternoon.

The cost for the 5773 Book of Remembrance is as follows: $25 per name, or a full page regardless of the number of names, will be available for $125. Your payment reserves your space.    

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Rabbis Rice: The Kotel is Holy for all Jews

This week four women were detained at the Western Wall for wearing tallitot (prayershawls). The authorities say they were disturbing the public peace and the punishment for this crime is six months in prison. They were also charged with breaking the law by performing a religious act that "offends the feelings of others." The punishment for this crime is up to two years in prison. When these four women wore their tallitot they challenged the division at the Western Wall. This is a place where men pray, dance, sing, read Torah, celebrate b'nai mitzvah, and express their Judaism in any way they wish. Women, on the other side of the partition, stand silently in the little space that remains.

The Israeli Religious Action Center fights all layers of gender segregation in Israel, and the Kotel is ground-zero in the fight against gender exclusion. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us, one of the main strategies of non-violent struggle is to "dramatize" the injustice. There is a real need for drama to actualize how far the situation of women in the public sphere in Israel today is from the dream of the State's founders. Israel's founding document, our Declaration of Independence, had a vision of full equality for all the citizens of Israel irrespective of religion, race, or gender. According to that vision, Reform Jews in Israel are working to create a reality that is currently hard for Israelis to even imagine: a Kotel where Israeli families will be able to pray together as a family.

The key to changing the status quo is in the hands of the authorities that run the Kotel, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation. This is why IRAC and the IMPJ are about to go to Israel's Supreme Court to demand a change in the make-up of the Western Wall Heritage Council, which is currently made up completely of Orthodox Jews. We want this body to resemble the real diversity of the Jewish people in Israel and the Diaspora. And here is where you can help by adding your name to all of the already collected signatures. With that kind of support, the Israeli Government will see that we cannot be ignored -- sign the petition.

Break the Fast at Micah!

Visit their websites + check out their menus:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

L’Shana Tova Greeting – Order by Aug. 22

If you are like most of us here in the office at Micah, you are in a whirlwind of summer coming to an end and trying to get back into the swing of school, or finishing off your summer vacation. Guess what? It’s almost fall! That’s right… High Holy Days are just around the corner!
This year we are offering the opportunity for you to send Rosh Hashanah greetings in the Messenger! Instead of purchasing cards for all of your close Micah friends (or for all of our hundreds of congregants!), we are making space for your New Year greetings and well wishes.
Think of this greeting space as you would the ads you purchased in the back of your yearbook!
Option 1
Business Card Size: $36
Choose one of the five “any size” greeting
Option 2 & 3
2) Quarter page: $72
3) Half page : $144
Choose any one of the greetings
*Pick your size/cost option and then choose one greeting*
Greeting Choices
Options 1 - 3
1)     L’Shana Tova Tikatevu
2)     Wishing You a Sweet New Year
3)     Have a Happy New Year
4)     Happy Rosh Hashanah
5)     Happy New Year from the [insert name] Family
Options 2 & 3 Only
6)     May the sounds of the Shofar welcome in a new year of health and happiness
7)     Best wishes to you and your family at Rosh Hashanah
All greetings can include either your family’s last name or each name of your family (up to 10 names total)
Think of it this way…If you mailed out even 200 greetings, you might forget someone, but if you don’t you still have to buy those cards for just under $200, stuff the envelopes, buy the postage (for 200 envelopes, that’s $90!), add the postage, and take them to be mailed. We’re doing all of that for you, for a lower cost, covering all of your local community bases, and even taking it to the mail center ourselves.
Ready to order your ad?? Call us at the office at 615-377-9799 or email Don’t forget to have your credit card handy or mail a check (your payment = your greeting).
Orders due by: Aug. 22
