Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Elul: Preparing For 5774

1 Elul 5773 - August 7, 20 13
Today marks the first day of Elul and the last month in the Hebrew year of 5773. To count down the days until Rosh Hashanah and the new year, we will be sharing a daily thoughts/inspiration with you.
Let us prepare for the coming High Holy Days together!

“The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.”
~ Emily Dickinson

Souls Ajar by Raychel Kubby Adler

2 Elul 5773
Walk on Through by Quincy Jones
"...when we don’t get the welcome we feel we deserve, it’s important to not sit back and wait for it. It likely will never come..."

3 Elul 5773
Gently Unplug: A case for undertaking a weekly digital detox

4 Elul 5773
Accept -- the good and the bad.

5 Elul 5773
Come In by Angela Buchdahl
Are we truly welcoming, to everyone, Jew and non-Jew?

6 Elul 5773
A Generational Plan for Prosperity by Eric Garcetti
"...I think of the challenges my grandparents faced: coming to a land they didn’t know with a language they didn’t speak. But, along with their grit and determination to do better than their parents had done, they had the strength to look at themselves with introspection, see their flaws and make a plan for improvement...."

7 Elul 5773
“Kiss me from the kisses of your mouth,” she declares in the Song of Songs.

8 Elul 5773
"It is Elul; time to put out the welcome mat for the improved self by opening wide the doors of demonstrative and spoken affection to the dear ones we encounter every day"
Welcoming Actually by Elka Abrahamson

9 Elul 5773
"I always aspire to listen wholly... All I can do is notice when I'm not wholly listening, and take a deep breath, and strive to do better. I want to really listen when the world speaks."

10 Elul 5773
Poems about innocence, family, happiness, joy....

11 Elul 5773
Treat The Stranger That There Be No Stranger by David Saperstein
" In 1978, Rabbi Alexander Schindler vigorously called on us to reach out to “all who enter,” to open our congregations...." How can we continue to be open and welcoming? Who is being left out?

12 Elul 5773
Anger Management -Examining why we get angry, and how to deal with it effectively
"A quiet moment and the soul speaks up. was just important to recognize the depth of my feelings, sit with it and breathe."

13 Elul 5773
Preparing our hearts to forgive and be forgiven
"... In Talmud there is a teaching that one should make teshuvah (repent/return) the night before one's death -- and, of course, since one never knows when one's death may be, one should make teshuvah always....When we come before the One with open hearts, with a genuine yearning for forgiveness, I believe that that God always forgives....."

"Asking forgiveness from God is an important part of the prayer, but it cannot be completed earnestly if one has not asked for forgiveness from the people in one’s life."

14 Elul 5773
Store-Bought Happiness
Trying to find lasting happiness—and not just at the check-out counter

15 Elul 5773
Taking a Break -As the High Holidays approach, finding ways to relax and de-stress
"How do you de-stress?"

16 Elul 5773
" 'To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven...'
Change is inevitable, change is always unfolding -- but our ability to love one another remains.... This is the month when God walks in the fields with us, yearning to connect with us Friend-to-friend, Beloved-to-beloved."

17 Elul 5773
"We often choose to let grief knock on our door and only then deal with its tidings, but I invite you to join me today in taking a few minutes to confront sadness and the feeling of farewell, full of gratitude for every gift, no matter how hard the loss."

18 Elul 5773
"My teacher Reb Zalman (Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi) likes to say that our written liturgy is like a cookbook; it's a collection of recipes for spiritual experience. But in order to make the recipes, you have to add ingredients; in order to make the prayers real, you have to add your own heart and soul and being."

19 Elul 5773
A Home-Made Welcome by Donald Davis
"...we decided that truly welcoming them was not about what we could buy for them, but about what we could do for them."

20 Elul 5773
Shame and Repentance
Facing our shame is difficult but vital in preparation for the Day of Atonement

21 Elul 5773
"1. Extend a warm welcome.
2. Anticipate and fulfill stated and unstated needs.
3. Provide a fond farewell.
As you can see from number one, welcoming is our top priority. But, in fact, all three steps are about welcoming. Only if the totality of an experience is authentically meaningful can a person truly feel welcome"

The Business of Welcoming by Herve Humler

22 Elul 5773
Courage to Dare -
"There is something daring about entering into prayer. About standing before God and offering our praises and our supplications as though we actually believed that the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Source of All Being, were listening to us. More: as though the Source of All Being actually cared what we had to say. That's the audacious claim made by Jewish prayer practice every day: that we can dare to stand before God, expecting God to listen."

23 Elul
Love --
"God's love for us is unending and infinite... God so overflows with divine love that God brings creation into being in order to have somewhere to direct that love, in order to have conscious beings with whom God can be in loving relationship."

24 Elul
Extending a Hand by Nathanial Helfgot
"Elul, the tradition teaches, is a time when God is more present, ready to listen and care for the human being. The Hebrew letters of the month, we are told, are an acronym for the phrase, “Ani ledodi vedodi li.” I am (devoted) to my beloved (God) and my beloved (God) is (devoted) to me."

25 Elul
Inside Out by Hayim Herring
"Here is the magic that happens when we embrace our full selves: by working on and with all aspects that comprise who we are, we can more readily embrace the stranger in our community."

26 Elul

27 Elul
Transcending Your Comfort Zone by Simon Jacobson
“Welcoming guests is more powerful than welcoming G-d.”

28 Elul
Making a wish!
Shana tova! A verbal wish or handmade card - which do you prefer?

29 Elul: Forgive

Shana Tova!!

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