Making the most of “Screen Time”
Principles for selecting digital media for your children
Join us for a parent workshop at Micah Children’s AcademyMonday, September 30
The American Academy of Pediatrics recently issued strong statements about the importance of limiting young children’s “screen time.” While there are sound reasons for this recommendation, it largely misses the boat by grouping all kinds of “screens” into a single category and providing little
to no guidance to parents to determine which, if any, programs and digital technologies might have benefit.
They also appear to forget that sometimes you just need 15 minutes to chop the vegetables and feed the dog.
How CAN you make the most of screen time? What are some principles for selecting digital media for your children, and ensuring that the time spent interacting with screens don’t cause pangs of guilt?
In this parent workshop, we discuss some of the reasons behind the AAP’s recommendations, and ways to think about selecting and monitoring screen time in your own home. The goal of this workshop is to arm parents with the tools they need to make their own decisions about good selections for your own children—although some recommendations of high quality apps, games, and movies will be shared.
Please RSVP to Melissa Gresalfi